
New Horizons Ministries Inc. is a ministry devoted to addressing the spiritual and social needs of today’s youth. Started in 1976, under the direction of Ray Wynter, the first Executive Committee consisted of the following: Ray Wynter, Paul Hall, Handel Fitz-Henley, Michael Smith, Joy Chambers, Jennifer Sharpe and Rosalie Wood. Our aim was to present Jesus Christ to the unsaved, challenging the Christian youth to a closer relationship with the Lord and creating an atmosphere for good Christian fellowship.
Our first camp was held in the fall of 1976 at Camp Ladore in Pennsylvania. We had 40 campers. Brother Ernest Wilson challenged the campers in their personal lives and encouraged and strengthened the staff for the task that God had given us. Over the next four years the camp grew. We met twice a year at Easter and Thanksgiving. Our speakers included George Chambers, Ruddy Walters, Arthur Billups, Audley McLean, Rex Major, Rich Berry and Ed Harris.
On January 29, 1980, New Horizons was incorporated in the State of New York. Also in 1980, with 25 lovely campers ages 9-16, our summer camp was born. This came as an outgrowth of our week-end camps. Today our summer camp is the highlight of the lives of many children. They remember Uncle George’s challenge to learn the books of the Bible, chapel sessions and devotions, swimming and calisthenics, fishing, arts and crafts, and of course, camp fire night. Each speaker has challenged the campers to commit themselves to Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives. We thank God for the many counselors and staff workers who have faithfully volunteered each summer to be a vital part of the ministry. As the ministry grew, the following areas also developed:
* Neighborhood Bible Study Groups
* Women’s Ministry
* Singles Conferences and Workshops
* A magazine called Horizons was also published to keep campers informed
The atmosphere of good Christian love and fellowship, along with the beautiful scenery at the various camp sites provided the right setting for a few “New Horizons Romances” and subsequently “New Horizons Weddings”, including Michael & Karen Smith, John & Bridget Fox, and Al & Lorna Chandler, to name a few.
In 1988, the name of the Executive Committee was changed to the Board of Directors and in 1991 a new Executive Committee was formed. New Horizons had experienced growth and younger people were needed to bridge the gap between the generations and cultures. A new level of vitality and enthusiasm in presenting the gospel was needed to attract today’s youth. After much prayer and communication, the original committee was chosen. They were Rohan Creighton, Faith Gorousingh, Stephen Wells, Richard Bynoe and Ruth-Ann Wynter. Over the next several years, under their direction, the week-end retreats have seen many changes as they prepared to lead the ministry into the next century. One thing has remained the same – impacting the lives of young people is still our primary goal. Our speakers have included: Bishop Roderick Caesar, Jr., Rev. Mark Williams, Rev. Carlton Brown, Rev. Keith Pettus and Pastor Clifford Ice. These men have become long tenured friends of the ministry and we are grateful for their investment in our lives.
New Horizons Ministries has come this far thanks to the goodness of God and the dedicated leadership of many board members that have served over the years. They include: Althea Boxill, Opie Clunie, David Chang, Richard Mason and Allison Phillip.
In 2018, our founder Ray Wynter, went home to be with the Lord. In August of that year, his daughter, Ruth-Ann Wynter, assumed the role of President.
We are excited to see the New Horizons family rapidly growing with many churches assisting with staff, as well as sending campers. We have been privileged by God’s grace, mercy and continued faithfulness to see many young people accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Many have developed a deeper walk with the Lord and others, through this ministry, have dedicated their lives in service for the Lord.
“Not unto us, Oh Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory for Thy mercy and for Thy truth's sake!" Psalm 115:1
Our Mission
New Horizons Ministries, Inc. is dedicated to guiding and supporting children and young adults to live a Christian life in a non-Christian world.

Our Vision
New Horizons Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit 100% volunteer organization dedicated to the development and enrichment of children and young adults. We service our population mainly through camping and related programming opportunities. We strive to take the young people out of their normal environment where they are taught various life-skills to improve their chances of a successful future. With more than 40 years of experience, we continue to serve an average of 200 individuals every year through our various initiatives.
Looking unto Jesus … Hebrews 12:2